Changing rules – what does it mean to me?

By 1 October 2012 new body corporate operational rules are required under the Unit Titles Act 2010.  Most bodies corporate have started to prepare replacement rules.There are a number of things which are now covered elsewhere, not in the rules.  These...

What is material?

Historically anyone making changes to a unit title development needed either to complete a redevelopment plan or to cancel the unit title plan and start again. Both options needed unanimous consent from all of the owners. Things are different under the Unit Titles Act...

Unit Titles – 8 months on

The Unit Titles Act 2010 has been in force for over 8 months now.  Most bodies corporate have had their first AGM under the new Act and made the necessary decisions.  The next key date is 1 October 2012.  By this date: new body corporate rules are...